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MDaemon Private Cloud Downloads

Download MDaemon Private Cloud

This version is based on MDaemon v24.5.2. You should only use these downloads if you have an MDaemon Private Cloud licence key. These downloads are incompatible with normal MDaemon keys.

New installation?

Please only use this installer if you have already been provided with an MDaemon Private Cloud licence key by us. These downloads are incompatible with normal MDaemon keys.

Upgrading an existing installation?

If you're upgrading an existing installation to the latest version, simply download and install over the top of your current installation. Existing settings should be retained but as always with any upgrade, we'd recommend reviewing the release notes and taking a backup prior to installing the upgrade.

The MDaemon administrator's manual is available to download as a PDF.

Compatible platforms

Microsoft Windows 2022, 11, 2019, 10, 2016, 8, 2012

Important note: we do not recommend using it on platforms which are no longer fully supported by Microsoft and our ability to support installs on these platforms may be limited by unforeseen compatibility issues.