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Download MailStore

New installation?

Before installing MailStore for the first time, you'll be need to register for a free, fully functional 30 day trial key.

Upgrading an existing installation?

If you're upgrading an existing MailStore installation to the latest version, simply download and install over the top of your current installation. Existing settings should be retained but as always with any upgrade, we'd recommend reviewing the latest update notices and release notes (see below) and taking a backup prior to installing the upgrade.

Does your licence cover you to upgrade to this version?

To upgrade to this version, your licence key will need upgrade cover that expires on or after 15th January 2025. You can check and renew your key's upgrade cover here.

Let's talk!

Give us a call or send us an email. Feel free to run your requirements past us, ask any burning questions and generally pick our brains!